Network Traffic orange brown Image: Intelligent Computing

Being a Network administrator its great and useful to monitor the Network traffic network usages, incoming and outgoing data in the network, in this post let me point some of the way to do so.

Hi everyone, you’re at Intelligent Computing and now as Geek, you’ll be going to notice the ways how you can Monitor and even analyze the network traffic on your network by using Linux terminal. You may ask why we need to monitor the network traffic.

Why you need to monitor the network traffic?

  • To check the correct usage of Network and by correct user.
  • To maintain the overall network performance to yield best for everyone.
  • To monitor Ping, DoS or similar attack and close the ports if needed.
  • To see which port using the most of data and managing those holes.
Ways to Monitor Network traffic by Terminal itself?

1. bmon

bmon is bandwidth monitor tool and rate estimator for Linux. bmon is portable network monitor tool you can use in your Linux with many advantages and it will show you multiple interfaces at once on your terminal.

bmon support multiple and different type of input and can show you interactive output of different type and even in many ways.
You can See complete Man page for bmon and its usage for reference.


It is simple Linux Utility for Resource management; this open source resource is designed for highly heterogeneous Linux destroy from smallest to supercomputer. You can use this for many purposes, including resource and bandwidth allocation and management, processor and hardware management and network management.

3. tcptrack

tcptrack monitors the TCP connection on Linux based computer/servers, it display the tcp network stat for given network interface. It monitors the state and display the information such as IP/Port/bandwidth usage and sorted form.

4. iftop

iftop works the same way for network as the top work for CPU resource, it can monitor the network traffic via interface of eth0 or so on. You can see the complete manual page as well as download and setup instruction on
 to install iftop use the following command
sudo apt-get install iftop
And run the application by issuing the command,
sudo iftop
And enjoy.

5. Use the Command tcpdump -i eth0

Eith0, eth1 are the interfaces of the network or say network adapter, tcpdump –I [interfaces] .
To see the list of interfaces or network devices you can use the ifconfig command.

Bottom line

You can use the many installed as well as available tool to monitor your network for port, data and source and destination analysis. Help others by sharing this post on social sites, and thanks for reading.