Open Google search in new tab

Many times every one must have faced problem while searching something on web or say researching something, Due to weak keywords many time you gets the irrelevant search results [see how to refine yourSearch on Google] .

you often open those links and get deeper and deeper and get nothing. After this you again go Back Back and Back on search page and open another link and gets the result at the front. Here configure your Google Account to open all the search result on new tab automatically.

How to configure Google to open search result in new tab

Now you can open each result once at single click and just fast check the result each tab and then proceed. You don’t have to right click on each link and select Open in New Tab every time. 
Let’s see how you can do this in easy steps. 

Log in to Google with your Google/Gmail Account

Go to

On the Right Hand side on the Top, select your DP and on Appeared Pop up Click Account

New Windows will appear and you will get the Account detail there,

Just scroll down and locate the Visit search setting page,

Another way to head there is simply Google the Search setting or you will find it on Pop up 
appear there as i stated above.

  • You will get the search setting in your browser

  • Now Scroll Down and you will have to locate the Option ‘Where Result Open

  • Just make check on the Option, Open the search in New Windows

  • Don’t Mind and get frustrate seeing term Windows there, it will open in new Tab only.

  • Let’s finish this and scroll little more down and click on Save Button and you are done

  • Just open the Google Page again and do a search.

Click on Result and it will automatically open in new tab.

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