Create Offline encyclopedia from Wikipedia: Intelligent Computing
Want to have stuff from World’s largest online encyclopedia and read them offline, printing per page and saving them is tedious job, here see how you can create a compete encyclopedia from Wikipedia

Greet to my readers! Wikipedia is world’s largest online encyclopedia where one can find almost every topic you ever want to get the information of. Generally what you do, searching those topic’s details on Google and you get Wikipedia on top result and you get its content in detail.
Also you can go to and find the topic in almost every language from all around the world. In this post, you’ll learn how you can create the offline readable encyclopedia from Wikipedia.


Collecting topics on Wikipedia

Wikipedia gives you option for downloading the particular Wikipedia page as PDF as shown below, you can find this option on the left side plane on the Wikipedia page,

Download PDF of Wiki article : Intelligent Computing

But here we are discussing how you can create the complete book of encyclopedia from the Wikipedia for offline reading, you can select the multiple format for this.
Just below the option for create PDF you will find the option create book,
Create Book option from Wikipedia: Intelligent Computing

After creating books you will be introduced to the new features and new project from, click on start creating the topics; now your collection starts,

Start Creating Book; Intelligent Computing

Now open the topics you want to included in your encyclopedia and on the top of the article you will find the option Add this to your book, keep adding as much as you want on your Book,

Add this Page to Book: Intelligent Computing

Once you finished adding pages to your Book, click on the Show book for more option related to your book.

Now you will find the option related to finish your book.

Finish and Add title to your Wiki Books: Intelligent Computing

You can Add title and subtitle for your book, Rearrange the Pages you have added and select the format you want to export in,
After this you can see the option Preview and PediaPress click and go.
After this you will see option rendering, this time all your article get collected and book is being created.

Offline Encyclopedia is being created: Intelligent Computing

Once it complete you’ll find the option for Downloading it.

Download offline Encyclopedia from Wikipedia: Intelligent Computing

Download all your collection in one book and enjoy offline reading them.

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