Windows 8 Logo with its app logo: Intelligent Computing

Everyone is busy in talking about the Metro UI and its beautiful design of Windows 8, here I have complied some of the really useful addition in Windows 8 which actually worth to you.

Tablet like touch device supporting Windows 8 is awesome OS for current and upcoming touch and tablet generation. Since we have to installed it on our PC too, it have many features which I’ll have to discuss over my Blog to mention, not because they are not discussed anywhere else, because these are the ultimate features which really going to be life savoir from the moment you install Windows to day to day life with your Windows 8.

Welcome back my readers! Here are the features or say 8 picks of Windows 8 I must consider to tell you all, you all are aware of Windows 8 already as I discussed its Welcome post before. Do not forget to show your reaction and leave comment below.

Windows on the Go

Windows To Go will let the Administration to create the bootable USB Storage of Windows 8, not only this you can even create the live installation or say install the Windows 8 completely on your 16 GB or more capacity USB Storage and use it, Boot from USB Storage whenever you need to boot from Windows 8. This will let the Administrators to use it on any PC without worrying about the file and data loss.

USB 3.0 is here

Windows 8 is just like Windows 7, equipped with all the day to day needed device drivers for most of the vendors, but what makes the difference is Support for USB 3.0 generation. Windows 8 specially having device driver for USB 3.0.

Secure Boot

Windows 8 is having added features to prevent the Boot time attack on Bootloader, for the upcoming PC the BIOS and other firmware will check the integrity of installed Windows on the system before making any drastic changes. But this is not done with broader mind. This feature will not let the Dual Boot PC such as PC with both Windows and Linux sustain.

Multiple Display Support

Your taskbar alignments, Start menu’s stretch and spread, support for Projector and extended display are very useful features for High end gaming lovers and tech geeks.

ISO image Mounting

Before this for Mounting the ISO images on your System, or say Running ISO images without CD/DVD ROM were performed by third parties application like Magic ISO or DAEMON tool lite. Other OS like Linux and Mac support mounting of ISO, but now Windows 8 is here with the features. Thus you can play the live games from the ISO, no need to get blurring your DVDs.

Internet Metering

The Most Important features I would suggest especially in India where people uses the cellular and limited data connection on tabletas well as in Home PCs. Your Windows can Track the usage and even suspend or stop the Windows Update on Cellular connection to save your Data. You can track the data used by different connection by different duration of time.

Picture Password

No more classic Login to your PC by password or say third parties face verification application. Now you can use the Picture password to log in to your account. Learn More about using Picture password inWindows 8.

File History

Windows 7 featured Shadow copying of the file for the backing up the important data on your external drive. This feature is far improved so that Windows can automatically create the shadow backup of different versions of files so that you can get the any previous version of the file likewise.


Everyone know Windows 8 would be loved on tablet and Mobile computer than the regular desktop, so extra features like orientation and ambient light detection, Gyros, accelerometer, manometers, digital compasses, could easily find the way to reside in new windows 8 even on the PC and laptop.

Storage Space and New storage Policy

Windows 8 is equipped with the ultimate and too useful space policy. You can use multiple USB drive to carry a large amount of data as Windows 8 can use those different Disks as Single drive and manages the space. Check the Data for redundancy and even mirror them. Learn more aboutthe New Storage policy for Windows 8.

Bottom line

Windows 8 have faster response than Windows 7 and more handsome look. Along with these, above mentioned features are saying a lot for Windows 8. The biggest change of Microsoft will defiantly make the market change. What you think, would you love to buy a new PC with Windows 8 or Keep using the extreme stable Windows 7.

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