Microsoft’s Next- Windows Blue: Feature leaked
Thank god, I was waiting for the day when I move ahead of Windows 8, here Microsoft’s New OS news…
How Google reads your mind to Result best?
Why Google is best, it’s not because it gives best result for the keywords you typed, its best because it…
How to Make Better Android Apps: Expert Guide
Its awesome using Android devices, but making apps for Android devices are even better. Here I collected some stats of…
10 Android terms SuperUser Must to know!
Using android, than use it as super user, in this post I am going to cover some of the most…
Use your Task bar work as Awesome Dock
People who think little different, they switch to dock instead of Desktop icons, and here learn how you can use…
Enable Multi-Window multi-task feature in Android
Learn how you can boost your working and performance by using Multi windows feature in your Android device and save…
Wireless data from LED Light Bulb [Li-Fi]
In this era of limited Radio wave and plenty of Light, why don’t we use light as transmission medium and…
How To Quickly Manage Permissions to Websites
Today’s Latest browsers let you provide the quick setting up the permission that website have over you, be secure and…
Welcome New live News-feed on Facebook
Facebook is not just gaining more and more reputation but also changing as per the new generation and their choice,…
Install Windows from USB flashdrive without Making Bootable
Now you can Re-install any Windows OS on your Computer from USB without making it Bootable, simply know here. Welcome…